Electronics and Electrical Engineering Industry in Slovenia

IndustrySouth-East European INDUSTRIAL Мarket - issue 6/2005

Janez Renko, Director of the Electronics And Electrical Engineering Association

The Slovenian electronics and electrical engineering industry, characterised by its predominant export orientation, recorded, in 2003, a total foreign market trade revenue of 2 billion EUR (according to current exchange rates), which represents a share of 20 % of the total export of goods and services by the Slovenian manufacturing industry. The share of net sale income within the total revenue generated by export is 67%, compared to the respective share of 27 % in the selling on the national market. The staff of 36,496 people of the 768 companies, of which 47 are large and 51 medium sized internationally recognised enterprises, generated a total income of 698 billion SIT in 2003. As regards the exports, the electronics and electrical engineering industry predominant orientation are the most demanding markets of the industrialised countries. The operations on the markets of South-Eastern Europe, in particular Russia, as well as of the Near and Middle East and in Central and Eastern Europe are gaining momentum. The most important six export partners include Germany, with a share of 33 %, Italy, 9 %, Austria, 5,8 %, Croatia, 5,7 %, Russian Federation 4,6 % and France, 4,5 % .

Branch Development

The Slovenian Electronics and Electrical Engineering Industry boasts a long industrial tradition in the field of development and production of electrical components, electrical machines and devices as well as electronic components, appliances and systems. Considerable professional expertise in the fields of modern technologies and product development as well as that of demanding international standards and specifications rendered possible a successful presence on both European and world markets. Several companies such as Gorenje, companies which were once constituent parts of Iskra, i.e. Iskra-Avtoelektrika, Iskraemeco, Iskratel, Iskra-Transmission and others, ETI Izlake, Domel, Kolektor, Rotomatika etc. have all achieved market recognition, many of them through their own trademarks, which along with the guarantee of high quality products represent the key elements of long-term success.

The electronics and electrical engineering industry, supported by its own expertise and the ability of being on the level of modern technologies, has been successfully filling market niches, particularly in the fields of electrical motors and electric machinery, household appliances, telecommunication equipment, electronic measuring, medical and optical equipment, power distribution equipment and systems, and electronic components.

Present on the world markets are companies in complete Slovenian ownership (Gorenje, Iskra Avtoelektrika, Domel etc.), Slovenian companies under mixed ownership (i.e. Iskratel), which were the result of a long partnerships with foreign multinationals and companies in complete foreign ownership, i.e. Danfoss Compressors, ETA Cerkno, BSH Hisni aparati, Nazarje, Danfoss Trata, Hella Lux Slovenija which are respected members of foreign corporations. In addition to large companies, also small and medium-sized companies are present on world markets, either as suppliers of their own finished products (for instance Metrel Horjul, Hyla Crnuce, LE-TEHNIKA Kranj) or as producers of components for automotive and electronics industry (AKA PCB Lesce; Intec Tiv, Iskra Feriti , Iskra-Kondenzatorji and others).

Main product groups

The electronics and electrical engineering industry manufactures the following types of products:

• electrical machines and apparatus: asynchronous, small all-purpose and DC motors, electronically commuted motors, transformers, static inverters;

• telecommunication devices and equipment: digital public and private telephone exchanges, ISDN telephone exchanges and networks, GSM equipment, equipment for optical communications, radio and encoded communication equipment;

• electrical household appliances: washing machines, cookers, freezers and refrigerators, heating devices, vacuum cleaners and small household appliances;

• electrical equipment for motor vehicles: ignition devices, motor vehicle electronic devices, drive motors, lighting fixtures, mobile hydraulics, alternators for road vehicles;

• measuring devices: electricity power meters, automatic scales, electronic digital and analogue measuring instruments, other measuring equipment;

• electro-optical devices and systems: industrial and medical lasers, laser measuring devices and other optical and medical devices;

• electrical and electronic components: capacitors, resistors, fuses and automatic circuit breakers, safety switches, contactors, relays, varistors, sensors;

• satellite receivers, aerial systems and equipment;

• lighting fixtures and wiring materials, electrical hand-held tools;

• lead batteries, dry cells;

• process automation systems, robot-driven cells, measuring and regulation equipment

Predominant export orientation

The Slovenian electronics and electrical engineering industry, characterised by its predominant export orientation, recorded, in 2003, a total foreign market trade revenue of 2.034 billion EUR (according to current exchange rates), which represents a share of 20 % of the total export of goods by the Slovenian processing industry. The share of net sale income within the total revenue generated by export is 67 %, compared to the respective share of 27 % in the selling on the national market.

The staff of 36,496 people of the 768 companies, of which 47 are large and 51 medium sized internationally recognised enterprises, generated a total income of 698 billion SIT in 2003.

The share of the total revenue within the manufacturing industry reaches 16,4 % for the electronics and electrical engineering industry as a whole.

The added value, an indicator of the contribution to the national gross product, amounted to 212,6 billion SIT in 2003, i.e. 7,4 % of the total added value in the Slovenian economy. Each employee in the electronics and electrical engineering sector generated a net result of 786,491 SIT, compared to the average value of 570,453 SIT per employee in the manufacturing industry. The average added value per employee of 5,827,161 SIT, i.e. 24,933 EUR, was recorded, which implies an increase by 6,5 % (nominal) relative to 2002. The electronics and electrical engineering industry realises a revenue of 184,9 billion SIT (791,3 billion EUR) in the sales of goods on the Slovenian market. The most important six export partners include Germany, with a share of 33 %, Italy, 9 %, Austria, 5,8 %, Croatia, 5,7 %, Russian Federation 4,6 % and France, 4,5 %

As regards the structure of goods offered and exported by the electronics and electrical engineering industry, the major groups are those of electrical household appliances, with a share of 42 %, and electrical machines and appliances, with a share of 29 %. The industry succeeded to keep the share of communication equipment in the structure of exports at the level of 15 % to 16% in last two years, compared to 17 % in the year 2000. In view of the global drop of the volume of trade in this segment, this demonstrates the high performance of this sector of the Slovenian industry. This sector is followed by measurement, medical and optical equipment sector, with a share of 13 %, and finally, computer and office equipment, with a share of 1 %.
