EBRD provides a EUR 5 million to a Romanian mobility provider Autonom Services
• Automation & Robotics • News • South-East European INDUSTRIAL Мarket - issue 4/2018 • 23.11.2018
A loan agreement between the European bank for reconstruction and development (EBRD) and Autonom Services S.A. was signed in Bucharest by EBRD President Suma Chakrati and the co-founder of Autonom, Marius Stephan. By financing the mobility provider, EBRD increases its commitment to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Romania. Autonom Services S.A is the largest Romanian provider of short-term mobility services in Romania.
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The company was founded in 2006 by two brothers - Marius and Dan Stefan and already has a network of 45 car rental centers in Romania, subsidiaries in Hungary and Serbia and a total of 8000 cars. It also provides fleet management services and comprehensive leasing.
The loan will allow the company to expand its fleet to meet the rising demand of Romanian companies, including SMEs. The company has been funded by the EBRD before. Autonom Services S.A then received support under the EBRD’s Small Business Advice Program, funded by the Austrian government. With the help of an international consultant, Autonom managed to gain access to new sources of finance and develop its business.