We think of the global world market as our greatest opportunity

InterviewSouth-East European INDUSTRIAL Мarket - issue 4/2005

Stane Jaksa Senior, General Manager of JAKSA Solenoid valves Co.

Present yourself to SEEIM readers and JAKSA as a company, history, scope of activities, product program, etc.

The beginning of JAKSA Solenoid valves Co. date back to 1965, when a manufacturer of washing machines was looking for a supplier of solenoid valves. Then we developed an appropriate valve for that purpose and started producing it. The initial quantities per day amounted to 2 000 pieces. Amongst others, the German Siemens Corp. became one of our major clients. We soon realised that solenoid valves – serving as main stopping element in industrial processes (either closing or opening liquid and gas media by means of electric tension) – were interesting, if not indispensable to a number of industries. So we started developing solenoid valves for multiple use, which today include more than 2 000 various models. The share of those products in our assortment that are made to order is rapidly increasing. Quality in the broadest sense is of essential importance to Jaksa. We acquired a certificate of conformity with ISO 9001 requirements as early as 1994. In addition, we boast a number of attestations and other certificates as well, all proof of premium quality of our products. Last but not least, it is thanks to UL certification that we have access to the American and Canadian markets.

Where are your current main markets and what markets are your key target for the near future?

JAKSA Co. exports 85% of its production all over the world. Our major clients come from the European Union, Korea, the Emirates and USA. Eastern Europe is becoming a good prospect for us as well. We do not speak of “key markets”, but rather of the GLOBAL market. The more so because the Company’s policy is not based on mass production of a few types of valves; on the contrary, we are much more provider of small-series valves made to specific order. It often happens that products made by JAKSA today are delivered to our customers the very next day, even if they come from a continent far away.

What is the commercial structure of JAKSA in the region of Southeastern Europe?

Orders from Southeast European and so-called third world countries are increasing, but Croatia and Greece are now leaders in terms of sales volume.

What are the main product groups and which products you expect to be best selling in SEE region?

All types of valves are equally attractive. But one, perhaps, is especially worth mentioning, i.e. gas valve. It is subdivided into two groups: process valves and so-called security valves, functioning in combination with sensors used to signal an increased concentration of gas in the premises.

What are your market plans for Southeastern Europe, including Slovenia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Romania, Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro, Greece and Turkey?

Magnetic valves are industry-oriented products and, as such, require an adequate marketing approach. Placing advertisements in specialised magazines, e.g. SEE Industrial Market, is one way. Another approach to meet modern needs is the world wide web. More and more customers find us through the Internet.

What is specific for your company comparing it to your competitors?

A word about JAKSA advantages in comparison with competition. Relying on 40 years of experience in the field of development and design of solenoid valves we have become genuine experts, able to stand up to most specific and demanding orders. To mention one recent example only: solenoid valve for massive flux at extremely high pressure - up to 500 bar. We have made it! Another important advantage of JAKSA: blitz reaction to any product order or even new product development. Incredible but true, during the last 10 years we have not recorded a single instance of late delivery.

What technology and market trends do you think would affect the market within next years?

As a successful player in the market niche of valves, mostly offering products tailored to specific needs, we think of the globalising world market as our greatest opportunity. Competition as well as potential users of solenoid valves have directed us toward a production of small series, “boutique” products. This is where you will find JAKSA at its best. With transport made faster and cheaper on a daily basis, we can make an even better bargain.
