The Week of Worldwide Technological Achievements at Belgrade Fair

EventsSouth-East European INDUSTRIAL Мarket - issue 3/2005

This year’s 49th International Fair of Technique and Technical Achievements took place at Belgrade Fair on May 9 – 13. There was more then ever foreign than local exhibitors in it, pointed out Mr. Anрelko Trpkovic, Belgrade Fair’s Director, announcing the oldest fair event.

More than 1100 exhibitors, of which more than 600 foreign companies, featured their technical achievements, from household appliances and industrial machines, to the machine which can produce itself, at this year’s fair event. This just confirms, pointed out Mr. Trpkovic, that Belgrade Fair has been recognized as a place at which one should feature his products, if he wants to sell them at the South East Europe markets, as well as that Serbia is becoming an interesting country for the local and foreign manufacturers. In addition to a big number of the exhibitors, this year’s Technical Fair took the entire exhibiting space of Belgrade Fair of more than 23,000 square meters.

The Russian Federation, Czech Republic, Bavaria, North Rein and Westphalia, Croatian Chamber of Commerce and the Slovenian Chamber of Commerce had National Exhibitions and group participations of regions at this year’s Technical Fair, pointed out Ms, Mirjana Tasic, the Technical Fair Organizer. In addition to the group participations, many companies from these countries had also their individual stands, at which top technological achievements were displayed in all commodity groups of this branch. Tool manufacturing machines were specially presented at this year’s Technical Fair as one of the proofs of the local product revitalizing, pointed out Ms. Tasic.

Among the traditionally presented names in the field of electronics, industrial control and automation, electric equipment, and machine building – world-wide manufacturers’ partners and representatives, smaller but strong participation demonstrated local Serbian companies and also companies from all over the region of South-Eastern Europe, incl. Bulgaria, Macedonia, Romania, Croatia, etc.

Due to Belgrade Fair research one of the most interesting participation was the one who did Monette International company from Belgrade. The company has presented a machine, which can produce actually anything, including itself. It is a precise machine, of a milling type, with the 8.8 mark and CNC character, with a wide range of opportunities, both in production of tools, spare parts and products and the use of production materials, such as wood, plastics, ceramics, metal, even titanium.

On the other hand, it is needed also to mention the participation of TLL Media Publishing House – where we successfully presented the latest issue of South-East European INDUSTRIAL market.
