The number of Bulgarian companies at Light + Building has increased
• Lighting • Interview • South-East European INDUSTRIAL Мarket - issue 1/2018

Maria Hasselman, Director Brand Management at Light + Building
The next edition of the Light + Building international exhibition is upcoming. What are your expectations as an organizer?
Light + Building 2018 will focus on aesthetics and smartification
Light + Building 2016 will focus on energy efficiency and security technology
Leading innovations in the field of electric automation were showcased at SPS IPC Drives 2015
Naturally, we are looking forward to a great event! After all, Light + Building is the world’s leading trade fair for the sector, which gives exhibitors an unrivalled opportunity to present their company and products to a broad audience of trade visitors from all around the globe. At the same time, it is the place to make new contacts and to find the right business partners. Moreover, Light + Building is the international trade fair for decision makers: 53 percent of all visitors have purchasing and decision-making authority. Never has there been a better chance to do business with the whole world than by taking part in just one event in Frankfurt am Main - after all, around half of the 216 000 visitors come from outside Germany.
A trade fair of innovations, Light + Building brings together all power-controlled building-services systems and promotes integrated building planning with a spectrum of products unrivalled in both horizontal and vertical terms. In line with the high level of dynamism in the sector, the outlook for Light + Building 2018 could hardly be better. All market leaders have registered, and we expect a total of around 2600 exhibitors to launch their new products onto the world market for lighting, electrical engineering and home and building automation. Light + Building is a great source of ideas and decisive impulses. Now, it is set to confirm its unique position as the world’s leading trade fair for the sector in 2018.
How many and what kind of Southeastern European companies will participate this year? Which country is most represented and what, in your opinion, is the reason for that?
The pace of development in the various countries does indeed differ greatly. On the whole, however, the number of companies from the individual countries taking part has grown continuously over recent years. Moreover, many companies are catering for the demand from their own market before turning to the export market. Naturally, successful companies must also prepare for the export market and Light + Building is a good starting point to do so.
What is the position of Bulgarian companies in the event? How has that position developed through the years?
It is noticeable that the number of Bulgarian companies taking part has increased over recent years. Many of them use Light + Building as a gateway to a successful export market. To date, 14 Bulgarian companies have registered to exhibit at Light + Building 2018.
Based on participants in Light + Building over the years, what are your observations on the lighting solutions market in the SEE region? Is it competitive with others in terms of quality of the products offered?
Light + Building presents the complete international range of products for all applications and all different markets, each of which has its own very different requirements. At the world’s biggest trade fair for lighting and building-services technology, the industry shows intelligent and interconnected solutions, future-oriented technologies and the latest design trends, which increase not only the economic efficiency of a building but also the level of comfort, safety and security of users - from complete product lines to custom manufacturing, everything is represented