The key players of the industry met for the 20th time at WIN-World of Industry
• Automation & Robotics • Events • South-East European INDUSTRIAL Мarket - issue 2/2013
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WIN Automation qualified its statement again this year of being Number 1manufacturing exhibition inTurkey and in Eurasia by hosting direct participantsfrom 22 countries in 10 halls over an area of 30 610 sqm. The exhibition attract-ed 75 802 visitors from 77 different countries.WIN-World of Industry brought on its 20th anniversary 4 important sectorstogether.
Organized by Hannover Messe Bilesim Fuarcilik between 21 - 24March 2013 at the TUYAP Fair and Convention Center, he WIN Automationgathered "Industrial Automation", "Electrotech", "Hydraulics& Pneumatics" and"Materials Handling" industries under a single roof.
The latest trends and a widerange of products were presented during the exhibition. WIN-World of IndustryAutomation exhibition was visited by 75 802 sector professionals of which 3036came from 77 different countries.
The fair was held on 30 610 square meters net area with the attendance of 1765 companies in total. In addition to national exhibitors, direct participants com-ing from 22 countries, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, China, the Czech Republic,Denmark, France, Germany, South Korea, India, the Netherlands, Japan, Spain,Switzerland, Italy, Portugal, Poland, Romania, Taiwan, Jordan and Greece dis-played their products and technologies at the exhibition. Japan, South Korea,Italy and Germany participated with their national pavilions this year.
General Manager of Hannover Messe Bilesim Fuarcilik, Alexander Kuehnelexpressed that he was satisfied that their efforts and promotional activities donebefore the exhibition resulted in success, stating: "The WIN Automation fair isaccepted more than ever as a leading fair.
We got very positive feedbacks fromcompanies that they made successful business connections. WIN family hasgrown up, we started 20 years ago with our show and nowadays we do thebiggest exhibition all over Turkey. We are glad to see how the WIN fair hasgrown up within 20 years.
The positive results we attained with the high numberof exhibitors and visitors and the high satisfaction of our clients confirm that weare doing our job well as the organizer for the benefit for our exhibitors.
"The fair brought relevant key players of the "Industrial Automation", "Electro-tech", "Hydraulics&Pneumatics" and "Materials Handling" industries together.Numerous leading national and international companies presented their newestproducts to visitors from Turkey and abroad.
Industrial Automation FairIndustrial
Automation Fair hosted high-profile national and international compa-nies. Parallel to the rapid increase in industrialization, the importance of automa-tion in manufacturing increases every day and the annual growth rate is 7-8%.Projections show that this percentage will stay the same or can even go higher.Country Manager of Turkey VDMA (German Engineering Federation), Friedrich Wagner expressed his opinions about the positive results of the fair:
"The 38 exhibitors of the Official German Presentation at WIN Automation arevery satisfied. They had a lot of promising contacts with old and new customersand partners from Turkey and the entire region. These contacts have to beextended in the future.
"Bonfiglioli Turkey General Manager, Murat Guracar comments on the WINAutomation fair are as follows: "There is increase in the number of visitors whencompared with last year’s numbers.
The visitor quality is good as we are satis-fied with the fair, we decided to attend the fair on a larger space next year".
Materials Handling Fair
The Materials Handling Fair agreed on a long-term cooperation with ISDER(Materials Handling, Storage& Industrial Equipments Association) this year. To-day, the increasing needs of the industrial society also increase the need forsolutions in handling, stowage and storage. In Turkey and in all other countries,the subjects like reduction of investment costs and storage space are the mostsignificant topics for logistics and storage managers.
The cooperation with IS-DER this year enabled its members to exhibit forklifts as well as many otherproduct categories in theMaterials Handling Fair. ISDER (Materials Handling,Storage & Industrial Equipments Association) Vice President of the Board,FarukAksoy reported that the participation to exhibitions like WIN Materials Handlingis substantially important and it will help to achieve the goal of Turkish machin-ery sector for 2023:
"This type of exhibitions are of vital importance for the machinery sector toreach the target of 100 billion export volume in 2023. The exhibition is verybeneficial, in order to determine the insufficient aspects of Turkish machinerysector and to build relationships with the global markets.
Since 20 years the WINMaterials Handling fair is one of the world’s most influential trade fairs
."HMF Makina Product Marketing Manager Nergis Ozbek said that they weresatisfied with the fair:"I think the fair visitors are quite professional. As of today, we have receivedmore visitors than the fairs of previous years.
I believe that it would be better ifstack machinery companies are located in one exclusive area. The organizationmet our expectations".
The Electrotech Fair presented for the first time the"Renewable Energy" Special Section
The Turkish Electricity Transmission Company estimates that Turkey’s de-mand for electricity will increase at an annual rate of 6% between 2009 and2023. The Electrotech Exhibition as an important part of WIN covered all elec-tricity related sub topics and offered a "Special Display" about the "RenewableEnergy."
President of ETMD (Electrical Installation Engineers Association),Tuncer Ozekli stated: "Both the inclusion of Renewable Energy within the con-text of WIN Fair this year and the general visual layout of the stands were verysuccessful. We were very glad to observe the high participation to Electrotechsection that is supported by ETMD and to Automation section in which we areespecially interested in as an association due to our related business.
We ex-press our thanks to Hannover Messe for organizing the WIN Fair."Makel Marketing Manager Fatih Yuzbasioglu’s comments about the fair:"TheWIN Fairs is quite a comprehensive organization.
The visitors are specialized indifferent areas. For that reason, we are very pleased with the profile of thevisitors we have received. They are all experts or the people that we refer to aselectricians. The information we provide and the mutual dialogue we have es-tablished are quite satisfying.
The smart building systems that we are gettingready to promote in the market received huge interest. In summary, I can saythat the fair met our expectations".
The Industrial Activities Summit provided Guide-lines for the Industry
Activities Summit organized every year within the framework of the fair, hostednumerousconferences, panels, corporate activities and solutions this year. In addition tothe trade platform created by the WIN Fairs, the Summit provided guidelines forthe industry as a very effective platform to exchange information.
Within theframework of the summit, the German VDMA Association delivered a Roboticsseminar. The matchmaking activities were organized for the first time this yearby Baden Wurttemberg and a workshop was also a part of the Summit. B2B’s ofthe Baden -Wurttemberg State Delegation were organized in collaboration withthe German-Turkish Chamber of Trade and Industry.
The matchmaking activityprovided an ideal platform for innovative approaches, for companies who werelooking for new business partners and for those who would like to initiate newcooperation’s.The WIN Metal Working Phase which brings "Metalworking", "Welding" and"Surface Treatment" under one single roof will present the latest trends anddevelopments of the sector between 06-09 June 2013 at Tuyap Fair and Con-vention Center.