EventsSouth-East European INDUSTRIAL Мarket - issue 1/2013

SEE Eco Forum and Exhibition (29-31 May, 2013, Sofia, Bulgaria)

Today we are witnessing a dynamic competition between green, brown and nuclear energy and most of us are asking whether the youngest of them will win this competition and meet the high expectations.

The growing waste is a huge challenge and it can be reduced and turned info new resources through applying modern environmental solutions.

From 29th to 31st May, 2013 in Sofia (Bulgaria), the SE European Eco Forum and Exhibition  will bring together again top industry professionals from whole Europe. The event will transfer the most advanced technologies and know-how to the regional market and speed up its development. The Organizer Via Expo has upgraded the format of the 2013 edition which incorporates hot topics: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Smart Buildings, LiftBalkans (elevators and escalators) and Save the Planet (waste management and recycling).

The strong international presence of well-known companies clearly demonstrates the interest in the Region. 47 % of the participants are foreign companies from Austria, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Hungary, Greece, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Russia, Switzerland, Turkey and UK.

There will be an Austrian Pavilion for the 4th year in a row. Polytechnik will showcase boilers and firing systems for biogenic fuels. A debut on the Bulgarian market will make Global Hydro Energy which plans to expand its position in South-East Europe. It offers small hydropower plants with a capacity of 15 MW. Alternative fuels and recycling technologies will be presented by Vecoplan. The exhibiting company Nahtec operates in the field of environmental technology. It is specialised in building green power and district heating plants which are exclusively fueled by renewable energy sources such as wood, straw, renewable raw materials, liquid manure, solar etc. Motor production, fans and control systems from Ziehl-Abegg will attract the interest of the professional public.

Austrian companies are key players in the global waste management industry. Erema is a traditional participant at the Pavilion. Since it was founded in 1983, the company has developed a wide portfolio: plastics recycling systems, fully-automatic self-cleaning melt filters, pelletizing systems, etc. Visitors will have the opportunity to explore the products of IFE - one of the world’s leading manufacturers of vibroconveyors, screening machines and magnetic separators. Plastic containers and bins will be showcased by Europlast.

In the field of biomass K.A. Technology will show Richard Kablitz & Mitthof’s solutions. For the first time there will be an Italian Pavilion at the Exhibition. Costruzioni Nazzareno from Italy will demonstrate technologies for the production of pellets, briquette presses and crushers for wood waste. Systems and containers for waste segregation and waste management will be presented by Sartori Ambiente with experience in the waste and environment sector dates back to 1996.

The solar technologies will catch again the spotlight. This year the focus will be on building integrated PV roofing-, facade- and window systems which are identified as an attractive niche for the renewable energy market.

Swiss leader Sputnik Engineering (SolarMax) will make a premiere of its new series string inverters SolarMax P, specifically designed for small solar farms to 6 kWp. Krannich Solar (Germany), a distributor of world renowned manufacturers of solar technologies and components, is also among the exhibitors.

Repeated participants are well-known Bulgarian companies like Filkab, Kris 94, ES 3, Sky Solar, Elprom Trafo, Motto Engineering, etc. According to experts from these companies the forthcoming changes in the sector will be related to consolidation and transition from subsidized to real market model, the interest in photovoltaics will be provoked also by economic and environmental benefits.

Energy storage is seen as a key technology to support the future development of renewable energy, as feed-in tariffs decline in many parts of the world. Heliocentris Energy Solutions specializes in autonomous energy supply and energy efficiency solutions with the aim of replacing diesel generators with "zero-emission" products.

Weiss A / S will acquaint visitors with its waste-to-energy technology which is being applied in small communities and remote areas. By burning waste products, energy can be recovered, resulting not only in substantial reduction in fossil fuel consumption but also CO2 emission. OMIM is the representative of the Italian company Termokimik - a leader in the waste-to-energy and waste treatment sector. For the first time OMIM will demonstrate a CO2 Capture Pilot Plant which is a unique in its capacity and scale.

Herbold Meckesheim will present tailor-styled recycling solutions for plastic waste. The Polish company Elkoplast is planning to step on the Balkan market - it produces containers from metal, polyethylene and fiber glass. Dekonta works on projects related to the remediation of contaminated sites with hazardous substances and it has an interest to find out new partners from the Region. 

The Hungarian Investment and Trade Agency will organize the Hungarian National Participation. The Agency will present the national know-how in the waste management sector.
Retire SA recycles of all kinds of used tyres with European standards. The company produces products of high quality rubber granulates and rubber powder.

Akademi Cevre collects and stores all sort of obsolescent and scrapped semi-conductor electronic components for recycling purpose. 

Balbok Engineering, Crest Group, Meva Bulgaria, Recycling Bulgaria, Roland Trading, etc. are on the exhibitor list of the Bulgarian participants working in waste management and recycling sectors.

During the last years the conception of smart buildings has made a notable progress in Bulgaria and several buildings with BREEAM, LEED and DGNB certifications have been realized. Тhe European Patent Office (EPO), working together with external experts, has designed a new classification scheme, thanks to which, the public can search worldwide patents relating to sustainable buildings. The EPO offers patent protection in up to 40 European countries. Growing environmental awareness has led to an increase in patent applications for clean energy technologies, including smart buildings.

Techem Smart System will be presented by Techem Bulgaria. It is designed for remote reporting, control of consumption and daily monitoring on the operation of the different kinds of equipment.  We Save Energy Ltd. offers engineering design, delivery and installation of energy-effective heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems.

 Delegates will have the real opportunity to get useful knowledge and interact with speakers.
The organizer Via Expo has announced the speaker lineup - experts from the European Renewable Energies Federation (EREF), European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ECEEE), Buildings Performance Institute Europe (BPIE), EuroAce, Pike Research, European Commission - DG Energy and DG Environment, European Patent Office, Energy Economics Group - EG, Association of Plastics Manufacturers in Europe, Association of Cities and Regions for Recycling and Sustainable Resource Management (ACR+), Association for Waste Treatment and Recycling Technology within VDMA, European Network of Environmental Professionals (ENEP), International Solid Waste Association (ISWA), etc.

 They will present a wide range of topics. Smart Buildings, Building Integrated Photovoltaics, Waste-to-Energy, Composting, Waste Minimization Strategies, Resource Efficiency & Recycling, Agricultural, Landfill & Wastewater Biogas, etc. are the highlights in the program.
Many parallel initiatives will diversify the format of the event: a Workshop ’Practical approaches to controlling methane emissions and generating energy from landfill gas’, organized by the Global Methane Initiative (GMI), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Bulgarian Ministry of Environment and Water; Austria Showcase "Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy", Italian workshop devoted to the best Waste Management Practices, etc. 

For more information: Via Expo -
