The 14th water fair in Budva showcased the latest technologies in the field
• Energy • News • South-East European INDUSTRIAL Мarket - issue 4/2019 • 07.11.2019

The 14th edition of the Water, supply systems and sanitary technologies fair, organized by the Adriatic Fair Budva, was held from September 25th to 29th 2019 in Montenegro. The event took place together with its traditional parallel forums - the 41st Civil engineering fair and the 7th Energy fair in Budva. “The combination of these events represents an opportunity for exhibitors to use benefits of the synergy of fair platforms”, the organizers said.
The water fair once again presented the latest novelties in the field of equipment for hydro-technical facilities: water supply, canalization, purifying, flood and erosion protection, equipment manufacturers, devices, apparatus and instruments for control of water and wastewater quality; drainage and wastewater treatment. The forum was attended by municipal services and water utilities, scientific and professional organizations, universities and institutes. It presented many innovative projects and investments in the field of water supply. The accompanying program included thematic presentations, promotions, roundtables and panel discussions.