Televes invests in innovative SIPLACE line

Electronics NewsSouth-East European INDUSTRIAL Мarket - issue 2/2010

The Spanish company Televes S.A., a market leader in Radio and TV installation solutions, has been at the forefront of innovations since its foundation in 1958. One of Televes’ main success factors is the 25 years of close cooperation with Siemens Electronics Assembly Systems (SEAS). In order to be prepared for further innovations and growing product demands, Televes invested once again in a new SMT production line consisting of the latest SIPLACE SX2 and SIPLACE CA (Chip Assembly) machines. With the new SIPLACE line Televes acquired the potential to cover all future requirements with optimum flexibility combined with bare-die and classic component processing. “The key elements of our success are innovative products and production processes. With the new line we continue to secure our sustainability,” confirms Jorge Montero, Manufacturing Manager at Televes. The SIPLACE machines offer us the innovative potential and maximum flexibility needed in order to be successful for many years to come.”

Televes is a market leader in the area of self adjusting HD digital broadcast antenna elements. For these products the new SIPLACE CA delivers maximum performance and capability. With its four gantries the SIPLACE CA is prepared for both bare die placement which requires high accuracy, pick-up from wafer changer, dip fluxing etc., as well as for high speed placement of standard SMD components. In combination with an SIPLACE SX2 machine, equipped with the SIPLACE Multistar and SIPALCE Twinstar, this line enables Televes to cover the complete range of electronic components.

Up to 9,000 flip-chips per head per hour – directly from the wafer
The SIPLACE CA is based on the SIPLACE X-Series concept with additional SIPLACE wafer systems (SWS) as feeders. Other special features include a flip unit, special vision systems and a linear flux dip unit (LDU). When equipped with the SIPLACE Speedstar CP 20 head the SIPLACE CA is able to place up to 9,000 flip-chips or 6,000 die-attach components per hour in sizes ranging from 0.8 to 18.7 millimeters with an accuracy of ±10 µm. The SIPLACE wafer system can handle different wafers which are replaced automatically, and the punch-out speed is programmable.
