Struja iz prirode

EnergyIndustrySouth-East European INDUSTRIAL Мarket - issue 3/2015

Struja iz prirode (Electricity from nature) was founded in Zagreb and is active in the development and construction of solar power plants in Croatia. It also participated in the construction of solar power capacity of 2 MWp in Slovenia. A specialized amorf-ASI technology was integrated in the photovoltaic power plant.

Electricity from nature aims to set standards for the development of solar photovoltaic power plants. The company uses high quality materials and latest technologies in its products. It cooperates with leading Croatian and European experts in the field of solar technology.

Electricity from nature is the authorized representative of the Japanese company Solar Frontier for the new technology solar panels and the CIS, which achieved 20% better results in the production of polycrystalline and single crystal.
