Duro Dakovic Trade

MachinesIndustrySouth-East European INDUSTRIAL Мarket - issue 4/2015

Duro Dakovic Trade was founded in 1991. Basic activity of foundry is production of grey and ductile iron metal casts and manufactoring of models.

The production of casts at the foundry started in 1922 with the production of railroad vaggons at the ”Duro Dakovic” plant. At that time foundry produced engine blocks, cylinder heads and other important engine parts made of iron cast metal. Annual production amounts to 4.000 tons of iron cast metal. The weight of casts ranges from 50 up to 15.000 kg with the quality ranging from GG 10 to GG 35, GGG40 to GGG60 (weight from 15 kg up to 3.500 kg).

Apart from standard qualities, the foundry also produces casts matching customers’ specific requirements. Casts manufactured at the plant are applied in: motor industry, industry of agricultural and construction machinery, chemical and railroad industry.

The foundry’s production program includes casts for tools, housings (reductor housings, engine housings, machine housings etc.), fly-wheel, casts for agricultural machines, castings for the process industry, acid industry, sugarmill industry, steam drum industry (grid-iron), coke industry, etc.
