Solar systems and components manufacturers in South-East Europe
• Energy • Industry • South-East European INDUSTRIAL Мarket - issue 3/2015
In the previous issue of South-East European INDUSTRIAL Мarket we presented you some of the leading PV companies in Turkey and Greece - countries which are among the fast growing manufacturers of solar systems and components in the region. In the current issue of the edition you may learn more about some of the large companies producing solar systems in Bulgaria, the Republic of Macedonia and other SEE countries (Romania, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, etc.). The information in the article is based on materials provided by the companies or published on their web-sites.
- Crane
- Hermes Solar
- Integral 2005
- International Power Supply (IPS)
- Intiel
- NES - New Energy Systems
- New Solar Technologies
- Solarpro Holding
- Woodward IDS Bulgaria
- Eko Solar
- KMG EOL Kvazar
- Metalec
- Sieto
- Altius Fotovoltaic
- Inversolar Energy
- Energoberen
- Solvis
- Struja iz prirode
- Krucik akumulatori - Krusik batteries
- Bisol
- Iskra Zascite
- Plan-net Solar
- Robotina