Siemens will choose suppliers from SEE region

ProjectsSouth-East European INDUSTRIAL Мarket - issue 4/2005

From 14th to 16th of September in Sofia, Bulgaria, took place the first edition of the “International Siemens Supplier Fair”. The participants - companies producers from South-Eastern Europe were invited by Siemens Group of Companies. All of these compаnies were chosen to candidate for Siemens’ suppliers of the multiple product directions of the industrial giant, after preparatory selection. During the Fair companies had the opportunity for individual meetings and agreements with Siemens’ GPL Global Sourcing division and proffessionals from other Siemens departments. Coorganizer of the Fair and the Project is Bulgarian National Chamber of Electrical Engineering with the assistance of the national organizations from the SEE countries. Following product areas are object of interest of Siemens Group of Companies for the project:

  • power, distribution, current transformers
  • low- and medium voltage switchgear, steel constructions for power engineerng projects, cables
  • plastic parts, parts from composite materials
  • stamped parts, deep-drawn parts
  • big-sized steel and iron castings, casings
  • formed metal parts, machined parts
  • industrial boilers, heat exchangers, pumps, heater mats.

In the table are represented suppliers from Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania, Serbia & Montenegro, Slovakia, Slovenia and Turkey, participated at "International Siemens Supplier Fair".
