SAT, SEEIM - issue 3, 2010
Innovative solutions for the complete range of process automation and control systems
Bulgarian company Systems Automation Technologies - SAT Ltd. is specialized in engineering, research, design, manufacturing, programming, erection, training, testing and commissioning of Turn-key automated systems for various processes, departments and whole plants. For the last 10 years SAT Ltd. has become a major Bulgarian supplier of automated systems. It is now considered to be the leader on the domestic market in the field of automation systems for cement, glass, concrete and other industries, whereas an increasing part of its product range is being exported both inside Europe and overseas.
Main Activities
•Engineering, Development and Marketing of Innovative solutions for the complete range of Process Automation and Control Systems;
•Design and Management of Electrical and Automation Projects;
•Application Industrial Software - programming based on System and Standard Software for Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) and Operator Stations (OS): Siemens, Schnieder Electric, Omron and etc.;
•DCS automation systems - Design and development of Department and Plant Networks (Industrial Ethernet, Profibus DP, Profibus PA, ASI and Modbus networks);
•Equipment for DCS systems - Manufacturing and Supply of the complete range of MCC, DMC, DIO, SCS, Field devices, Instruments, Transmitters and Sensors;
•Low Voltage Distribution (LVD) Power Boards (0.4 and 0.69 kV) - Manufacture, Supply and Installation;
•Middle Voltage Distribution (MVD) Power Boards (3 and 6 kV) - Manufacturing, Supply and Installation;
•Electrical Erection, Installation and Connection of cable routes, cables and electrical equipment such as Transformers, LVDs and MVDs boards, motors, actuators and ext.;
•Tests of Electrical Systems - Signal, Rotation and Group Sequence Tests and tuning of the system’s parameters;
•Personnel Training - operators, maintenance staff and technologists;
•Systems Commissioning - On Load Test, Site Acceptance Tests and Performance Test (Turn-key Projects);
•Guarantee services and uninterrupted technical support.
Product Range
SAT develops and produces a broad portfolio, using the last modern hardware and own software solutions for integration in automation systems, such as:
•Industrial Weight Belt Feeders for bulk materials - full range;
•Industrial Weight Belt Scales for bulk materials - full range;
•Dosing portion equipment for bulk materials and fluids - full range;
•Industrial Weighbridges (for Trucks and Wagons) - full range;
•Industrial Spillage Conveyors;
•Control Systems for unloading conveyors (Tripper) for bulk materials;
•Control Systems for Reclaimer machines for bulk materials;
•Control Systems for Bag Filters;
•Control Systems for Glass Feeders;
•Control Systems for Port, Bridge and Tower Cranes
•LV power distribution boards and cabinets of Schnieder Electric - type Prizma P and Okken (draw-out type);
•MV power distribution boards and cabinets (new or retrofit),using equipment from Schnieder Electric, Siemens and ABB;
•LV Control boards type Motor Control Centre (MCC) for centralized systems;
•Distributed Motor Control Boxes (DMC) for decentralized systems;
•Distributed Input / Output Signal Boxes (type DIO and DEC) for decentralized systems;
•Local Isolated Panels (LIP’s) for centralize systems;
•Marshalling Cabinets for main Process Stations (PS) and Control Cabinet for remote Operator Stations (OS);
•Lighting Panels.
Development of DCS automation systems
SAT Ltd. specializes in development of DCS automation systems based on Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) and Operator Stations. Generally in SAT’s systems the latest version of SIEMENS PLC SIMATIC S7 are being used, and the list of PLC’s is as follows: SIMATIC S7-200 and LOGO - for small machines;SIMATIC S7-300 and S7-400 - for control of the departments and plants.
SAT developed decentralised systems with different type of remote boxes placed close to the equipment and connected to the main PLC Process Station by Profibus DP communication.
For these systems SAT elaborated different type of standard distributed equipment, as follows:Distributed Motor Control Centres (DMC), incl. all necessary commutation equipment (circuit breakers, contactors, relays) and remote PLC input/output modules of PS; Distributed Input/Output Boxes (DIO and DEC) to connect all signals from field instruments and equipment. The Separate Process Stations of the departments are connected in a common network by Industrial Ethernet (Process Level of the Control System). The Operator Station (based on standard PC) must provide the Human-Machine communication to the processes.
Plant Control Systems
The plant control system normally includes two Redundant Servers with a common Project, Engineering Station and a number of Client Operator Stations and printers connected via Industrial Ethernet in a common network (Operator Level). All this equipment is normally placed in Central Control Room (CCR) of the Plant. The Redundant Servers communicate with Department’s Process Stations via another Industrial Ethernet network by using Optical cables and accessories. According to the client requirements were developed centralized automated systems by using a MCC type of control, distributed (DMC concept) or mixing systems (partially DMC, partially a MCC structure) for Plant control. The practice shows that distributed (DMC) and mixed control systems are more comfortable for installation and maintenance and cheaper than MCC type systems.
Integrated Automation Systems
Using its thorough knowledge on technological processes, technical parameters of the electrical and mechanical equipment, instruments, sensors, transmitters and PLC control equipment, SAT Ltd. developed and commissioned the following Integrated Automation Systems:
•Integrated Automation Systems for Drinding Departments (Cement Mills, Raw Mills, Coal Mills);
•Integrated Automation Systems for Rotary Kiln Departments and Clinker Transport;
•Integrated Automation Systems for de-dusting in cement and power plants;
•LV and MV Distributed systems;
•Technical Information Systems in power, cement and glass plants;
•Integrated Automation Systems for palletizing and shipping in cement and glass plants;
•Industrial lighting Systems - indoor and outdoor;
•Industrial Earthing and Lightning Protection Systems.
Automated Systems’ functions
All automated systems developed by SAT based of PLC Process Stations and Operator Stations are like a perfect instrument addressed to solve the following tasks:
•Standardization of the screens for visualization of the processes on the OS using typical common and detail templates and animations;
•Monitoring and tuning of all loops, consumers, digital and analogue inputs/outputs without programming knowledge;
•Archiving: supports large history database, multiple trend displays, user operator settings;
•Archiving of operator and maintenance events;
•Diagnostic of the equipment and self diagnostic systems with detail alarm massages;
•Data Integrity: protection against incorrect operations or computer malfunctions;
•Multi-user: supports multiple number of OS in redundancy mode, updates a common database
•Password Protected access levels;
•Ability to expand the systems to upper levels.
SAT Industrial Software
SAT industrial software is compatible with most of the modern industrial standards like SIEMENS WinCC and PCS7, PROFIBUS, MODBUS, HART, ASI, TCP/IP, MS Windows NT/2000 ext. The Industrial automated systems from SAT are generally based on System Software of SIEMENS: Simatic Step 7 and Protool for process stations and WinCC V7.1 and PCS 7 for the operator stations and servers.
In all SAT’s projects were used Standard Software Modules - or Siemens (CEMAT) or SAT’s own Modules.
The use of standard Software Modules has the following advantages:
•Standard functions for common tasks;
•Configuring instead of programming;
•Password protected access on several levels;
•Rich visualization system;
•Object Oriented standard modules useful and easy for tuning;
•Common style of programming for different programmers and different Projects;
•Complete Simulation for all Standard Modules;
•Alarm condition simulation;
•Start / stop sequences and Interlock simulation.
Computer Aided Design (CAD) by SAT
The used CAD software includes the latest versions of AutoCAD, E-PLAN, Visio and CAD Star. The type of design performed with CAD includes: Process Flow sheets; Complete Design for the automation systems; Arrangement drawings for Erection of electrical equipment; Circuit & Terminal diagrams; Assembly drawings for cabinets, Panels, Boxes; Cable routing; Assembly drawings for cabinets, junction boxes, distributors, instruments and transmitters.
All Projects by SAT are completed with Detail Design and Studies, Technical Passports, Erection Instructions, Operator and Maintenance Manuals and Built in documentation.
Top projects of SAT Ltd.
For the last 19 years SAT Ltd. has gained an experience in the cement, glass, concrete, forages, metallurgic industry and power plants. The company has supplied and successfully commissioned more than 160 Turn-key projects in Bulgaria and as well in Hungary, Russia, Serbia, Kosovo, Portugal and Nigeria.
The last „turnkey projects of SAT is „New technological line for cement - a capacity of 6500 tons per day of the Swiss concern НОLCIM („Shurovsky Cement Plant), located near Moscow. The project comprises all parts of the electrical package, starting with engineering, design, manufacture and delivery of the electrical equipment, the programming, electrical erection and installation, testing and commissioning of the new complete Production Line.
In this project was used a specific „know-how and a lot of innovative solutions in the field of automation, standard software and hardware solutions, which assure successful and timely testing and commissioning of the entire Project.
Support by SAT
SAT assure continuously qualified supports for supplied systems 24 hours per day, 365 days per year with reaction time not more 48 hours for abroad.