Renewable energy deployment opportunities will be discussed at Balkan Energy Leaders 2016
• Energy • Events • South-East European INDUSTRIAL Мarket - issue 1/2016
The fourth annual conference and exhibition Balkan Energy Leaders will take place on 17-18 March 2016 in the Crowne Plaza hotel in Belgrade, Serbia. Hosted by Green World Conferences, the event gathers top energy leaders from all Balkan countries, focusing on renewable energy deployment opportunities in the Balkans and the obstacles wind, hydro, biomass, solar and waste to energy sectors are currently facing in Southeastern Europe.
"Renewables are receiving more and more recognition in the region and although there are still a lot of issues and gaps in legislation headway has been made in the right direction," explain the organizers from Green World Conferences.
The conference will offer coverage on a wide variety of renewable energy topics, including Balkan region governments support for renewable energy development, innovative ways of financing renewable energy projects in the Balkans, project development options across the region, renewable energy technologies update, and PPA contracts for renewable energy offtake.
The other important aspects of the renewable energy sector will be discussed in presentations on energy storage, the Balkan region energy infrastructure integration with EU, municipal waste to energy, renewables and grid integration, biogas and biomass market opportunities in the Balkans, O&M and wear and tear protection, project finance for renewable energy including PPPs, and energy legislation update.
"Balkan Energy Leaders offers its visitors a fully packed programme of high profile speakers, excellent networking with the who’s who of the regional and international energy industry, and extensive finance advice on developing commercially profitable energy projects with case studies. The visitors can also receive technology updates in the exhibition area, learn about local energy development and profitability, as well as hear from and meet top energy experts," add the organizers.
The event will open with a welcome address and business card exchange, which offers a unique opportunity to meet likeminded people, and will continue with introduction to the present and future of renewable energy in the Balkans under the theme "On the road to 2030", during which the conference producer from Green World Conferences Rezarta Lako will talk about the opportunities for making the sector attractive to investors and off-takers. In this session representatives of Ministries of Energy will present the latest on implementing renewables in their countries’ respective energy mix.
Sandra Glisic, a researcher from the faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade, and owner of SGE Consultancy, will talk about the details of regulating and de-regulating the Balkan renewable energy market. During this session, representatives of local energy regulatory bodies will present the current state of regulations concerning renewables and the dynamics of potential amendments.
During the presentation, the secretary general of the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia Peter Maksimovic will give insight on the Balkan region energy infrastructure integration with EU, while the Head of Department of the Croatian Energy Market Operator (HROTE) will talk about the impact of new energy laws on the RES market development in Croatia.
Day one of Balkan Energy Leaders will also showcase some of the most successful case studies for the renewable sector and hold presentations from renewable technology leaders in two consecutive sessions chaired by Green World Conferences’ producer Rezarta Lako. During these, top renewable energy companies in the region will be able to present their best achievements within the past year and their plans for the future and conference sponsors will provide a comprehensive insight into their RES market offer.
Day two of the event will cover the topics of Balkans small and medium hydro refurbishment and new-build, building solar energy market in the Balkans, and biomass, biogas, waste management.
Additionally, two themed debates will be held during Balkan Energy Leaders - a leaders debate "Developing renewables is the Balkans - constant headache or bright long-term prospects?" and an experts debate - "No wind, no sun, no rain - energy storage and other keys to market stability".
Keywords: Balkan Energy Leaders, Green World Conferences, renewable energy development, renewable energy projects, PPA contracts for renewable energy offtake, SGE Consultancy, HROTE