Micron 20 acquired a professional software "CAM350"

NewsSouth-East European INDUSTRIAL Мarket - issue 3/2009

Bulgarian producer of printed circuit boards Micron 20 Ltd. recently acquired newest tenth version of professional CAM product "CAM350" by "TRIAS microelectronics" - representative of "Downstream technologies" for Bulgaria. "CAM350" is the connection between CAD-data given by the customer and production process.
Some of the special features of "CAM350" include manual and automatic import and export of GERBER, EXCELLON and Sieb&Meyer files, aperture tables and import of other vector graphical formats as DXF, HPGL, ODG++.
The newest CAM product also gives information about the base components of topology of the printed circuit board. Among its other technical features are manipulating of data, checking of critical values, penalization and optimization. "CAM350" is able to create and manipulate NC data and to export a netlist /IPC-D-356A/.
