Microchip Technology, SEEIM - issue 1, 2017
High Impact Embedded Graphics GUI Design Has Never Been This Simple
Free Visual Design Tools & Graphics Libraries for Your GUI Applications
Microchip offers an industry leading complement of comprehensive visual Graphical User Interface (GUI) development tools, software graphics libraries and hardware tools for all your 32-bit graphics needs.
Our graphics solutions are supported with the free MPLAB® Harmony software framework and offers developers the choice of two best-in-class tools:
Our MPLAB® Harmony Graphics Composer works in conjunction with our MPLAB Harmony Graphics Library to help you generate professional looking GUIs without writing a single piece of code!
You may choose SEGGER emWin Pro as your graphics library and take advantage of its expansive list of widgets and the SEGGER toolchain.
Get started today by downloading training material, documentation and tools!
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