Microchip Technology, SEEIM - issue 4, 2015
Do you need Digital Power with next-generation capabilities?
New dsPIC® DSCs set benchmarks for size, latency and power consumption
Enabling sophisticated control algorithms operating at higher switching frequencies and Live Update Flash, Microchip’s 16-bit dsPIC33EP GS Digital Signal Controllers off er next-generation digital-power performance.
These DSCs consume up to 80% less power in any application and provide less than half the latency of the previous generation when used in a three-pole three-zero compensator.
In addition to exceptional performance for non-linear, predictive and adaptive control algorithms, the DSPIC33EP GS family off ers higher integration and more features in packages which include the industry’s smallest digital-power-optimised DSC, 4 x 4 mm UQFN.
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