Microchip Technology, SEEIM - issue 1, 2014
Looking to speed your analog development time?
PIC® MCUs with Intelligent Analog make designs easier
With a powerful combination of rich analog integration and low power consumption, the PIC24FJ128GC010 family enables a significant cost reduction over a multi-chip design as well as enabling lower noise, faster throughput, smaller PCB size and a faster time to market.
In addition to Microchip’s fi rst 16-bit ADC and a 10 Msps 12-bit ADC, the PIC24FJ128GC010 integrates a DAC and dual op amps to simplify precision analog design. The on-chip LCD driver provides the ability to drive displays with up to 472 segments for information-rich user
displays; whilst mTouch™ capacitive touch sensing adds advanced touch capabilities.
The PIC24FJ128GC010 family helps to reduce noise to deliver more consistent analog performance in a very small form factor. Simply add sensors to the low-cost starter kit for easy prototyping.
1. Begin with the low-cost PIC24F Starter Kit for Intelligent Analog (DM240015)
2. Add custom sensors to the clean analog header to create a prototype
3. Re-use and modify the demo code to speed development
PIC24F Starter Kit for Intelligent Analog (DM240015)
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