Malta plans to invest in the Montenegro energy sector
• Energy • Business • South-East European INDUSTRIAL Мarket - issue 1/2016

A delegation from Malta led by prime minister Joseph Muscat met with Montenegro prime minister Milo Dukanovic to discuss the possible cooperation between the countries in the energy sector for investment in the wind farm at Mozura hill. The prime minister said he had been presented many ideas that can possibly be useful for implementing positive experiences in economic and pro-European development.
Malta will invest EUR 80 million, which includes use of new energy sources and complements the generation capacities in the energy sector of Montenegro. Joseph Muscat also expressed his hope for a future joint use of renewable sources in Montenegro and offered the country to use Malta’s experience in the field of tourism development through internationalization of educational and other capacities.
"We have chosen Montenegro because we see the potential here. We invest money and credibility, because we have chosen Montenegro among the many options and I welcome the efforts of the Montenegrin government in creating the conditions to ensure facilitating bureaucracy and concluding contracts on time. We can assure you that the project will be implemented," stated Muscat.