LTM Electronics
• Electronics • Technical Articles • South-East European INDUSTRIAL Мarket - issue 3/2015

LTM was created in 1993. In the beginning its main activity was design and manufacturing of control boards and keyboards. Now LTM contains the following departments: Department for manufacturing of Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) - design and manufacture single sided, double sided and multilayer PCBs; flexible PCBs; combined PCBs; Department for SMD - manufacture of SMD assembly stencils; Department for design and manufacture of keyboards - design and manufacture of different control boards, keyboards-membrane and capacitive; control boards on metal, plastics, polycarbonate and polyester foil, glass, PVC and other materials; Department for Screen and Stamp Printing - print on different materials (materials for advertising, electronic components and others); Department for Chemical and Mechanical engraving - engraving of advertising and information boards; milling, working and polishing of acrylic, epoxy glass, etc.; Department for design and manufacturing of Electronic Equipment - design and production of manufacture automation systems; design and production of security systems; access control systems; laser barriers; power controllers; light effect controllers; electronic game room systems (electronic roulette, bingo, automated game machines).