LED Lighting Production in South-East Europe
• Lighting • Industry • South-East European INDUSTRIAL Мarket - issue 2/2011

LED Lighting Production in South-East Europe
Light emitting diode (LED) lighting has been blazing a trail through the South-East European lighting market over the last few years. LEDs’ outstanding energy efficiency (40 to 60 percent more than conventional lighting technologies), lesser maintenance costs, and eco friendliness have popularized them among outdoor and indoor lighting applications. Furthermore, LEDs also have a lower total ownership cost than competing lighting technologies and a longer lifetime. LED manufacturers in SEE will need to position their products and create awareness about the value of their products. This is particularly significant because of the price premium that LED lighting products demand upfront and also to showcase the quality of LED products in a market where standards are yet to be framed. The following article presents some of the major LED lighting manufacturers in Southeast Europe, grouped by country.
LED lighting in Bulgaria
Comet Electronics offers full range of components for development of LED illuminators, as well from established manufactures - power LEDs, high effective secondary optics and specialized power supplies, aluminum and stand art FR4 PCB boards, aluminum cases and heaters. Through them, company’s customers can realize light bulbs with two times longer life. Comet Electronics also offer technical consultation in design process, saturation of the PCB boards and base models of the bodies for street illuminators with which the initial projects of the companies could be supported.
Denima 2001 Ltd. is a Bulgarian manufacturer of street lighting, parks, industrial, office, emergency and LED lights. Its LED portfolio includes LED lighting embedded in the ground, LED Light Strips, LED luminaires for office lighting, LED lighting facade lighting, etc.
IKIS SL is one of the leading Bulgarian manufacturers of lighting fixtures.
The company produces a wide range of lighting fixtures - wall lamps, table lamps, pendant lamps, office lamps as well as fixtures produced by individual project. Following the new trend for using LED technology in the field of lighting fixtures, company recently works out new line of fixtures. For its LED lighting fixtures IKIS uses Philips LEDs and works in cooperation with producer of aluminum moulds and company specialized in design and assembling of PCBs - SMD and through-hole components.
Incotex is one of the newest Bulgarian LED production companies. Its manufacturing activities are performed in Incotex Plant-Botevgrad, situated in the industrial zone "Microelectronics" in Botevgrad, 50 km away from the capital Sofia. Main production range includes light-emitting diode (LED) chips and lamps, which will be the base for manufacturing of energy efficient LED lamps in future. INCOTEX management’s ambition for the plant is it to become the first in Europe with fully closed production cycle for LED lamps.
LEDX Ltd. is one of the first Bulgarian manufacturers of LED lighting. The company has its our own base for assembling and testing laboratory for internal quality production. As a team of professionals, LEDX strive to continually improve and expand its range of products, using the finest materials and most advanced technologies in the world. Its products stand out with numerous features such as: low energy consumption, absence of radiation, a variety of colors of light, more than 80,000 hours life and the absence of carcinogenic materials in the structure of the lamp.
Interlux Ltd was founded in 1996 in Smolian, Bulgaria. In 1997 the company started manufacturing emergency EXIT luminaries, incorporating the latest technologies. Since 1998 all luminaries electronics are SMT (surface mount technology) based, using high quality SMD components.
In 2003 Interlux started manufacturing emergency LED luminaries based on the latest ultra bright LEDs and light guide technology. At present Interlux owns several design patents for its products .
Viva Ltd. is a Bulgarian company, established in 1997. Its main activity is import and assembling of products for lighting and their distribution on the Bulgarian market. Viva is based in South Eastern Bulgaria. Since 2010 the offices, production and warehouse premises are situated in Viva’s own new modern building with total area of 2000 sq.m.
Viva is offering wide range of energy saving lighting sources - LED and compact fluorescent lamps, variety of lighting fixtures based on LED and energy saving lighting sources. Company produces and offers on the market lighting fixtures under its own brand names Tommy Lighting and Vivalux.
Solar Led Power is a manufacturer of a wide portfolio of flexible LED strips, high power LEDs, power supplies and controllers for LED, home LED lighting, street and park LED lighting, facade and decorative LED lighting.
NN Electronic Ltd was established in 1991. In 2005 team of specialists create a separate line with the trademark "Ultra", specialized in manufacturing of LED lighting. Until 2010 company closed the production cycle - from importing certain components in the manufacturing of tooling, injection molding of plastic parts to assembly of finished products in its own base. LED lighting fixtures are designed for both professionals and hobby industry.
Octa Light Bulgaria Plc is one of the biggest Bulgarian manufacturers of high power light emitting diodes for outdoor, indoor, industrial, architectural and general lighting applications. Octa Light is a fully integrated supplier, offering core light emitting devices in all three base colors - red, green, blue and white, as well as exotic colors as pink, cyan, yellow, purple and other on basis of client requirements. Octa Light Bulgaria PLC is entirely based within Europe, with R&D and manufacturing center in Bulgaria. Founded in 2010, Octa Light commits to continuously rise the lumen efficiency of its products and to bring its light emitting diodes closer to mass usage within next years.
Samel 90
Samel 90 was established in 1964. Its production range includes consumer electronics, lighting and special purpose products. The company employs about 400 workers. The products of Samel 90 are well accepted in the UK, Germany, Belgium, France, USA, China, as well as many countries from the Middle East and Africa. This makes Samel 90 a competitive, export-oriented company, as the export share reaches as far as 70% of the annual sales.
LED production of Samel 90 includes LED lights, LED power supplies, lighting fixtures type spot light, ProfiLED, square, facade and garden lighting fixtures, fixtures for pools and fountains, explosion-proof Lighting fixtures, economical street LEDs light, etc. Among its new products is independent LED illuminator - a module construction, consisting of photo voltage panel, controller, accumulator and one or more LED illuminators, designed and calculated to work as a common system, according to customer’s demands, with ability to be assembled onto steel pole or other construction.
Nasena Ltd. is a Bulgarian manufacturer of LED lighting. Company produces light bulbs, flashlights and lamps for lighting in residential and office premises, shops, outdoor open areas such as parks, outdoor posters and commercial displays, lighting for streets and open spaces. The illumination is done with very bright LEDs with a specific angle of emission of light. Power lighting is designed and implemented by engineers of Nasena Ltd. to achieve minimum consumption of electricity, operating stability and long term use of LED lighting. All products of the Nasena Ltd does not contain harmful ingredients and are fully recyclable, without the need for further specialized disposal. Significant part of revenues of the company are investing in development of the LED technology and its use by more and more European citizens.
Company DIBEL AD is the owner of the brand REALUX and has been founded in 1994 as a joint venture between several companies from Bulgaria and Ukraine. The main activities are producing and selling of household and industrial lamps. In 2001, REALUX brand has been registered and the main focus in the company activities became CFL or the Energy Saving Lamps. Nowadays REALUX products are produced in 3 countries: Ukraine, China and Bulgaria in 4 factories. All REALUX products are certified and have sustainable high quality and are covering all ecological standards.
The products with brand REALUX are presented on 3 markets Bulgaria, Romania, and Ukraine.
Omega light Ltd. was established in 2004 and from the very beginning is focused on LEDs and their practical application. In the field of decorative LED lighting the company is working with numerous design, architectural and construction companies in Bulgaria. Its range includes LEDs, flexible LED strips, solid LED strips, LED modules, LED power supplies, controllers and dimmers, automotive LED systems, etc.
Main activity of Ewron Ltd is design, manifacturing and trading of smart LED fixtures, LED street light fixture, projectors, LED lighting fixtures for offices, administration buildings and houses.
Fincom-2 was established in 1990. Since 2003 its main activities are design and production of LED lights and photovoltaic systems. Company’s product range includes flowing (moving) inscriptions (titles), LED pixels, programs and control, timers (watches, time clocks), modules, RGB controllers, lamps (lights), searchlights (spotlights, arclights), etc.
LED lighting in Greece
Electrosynthesi Vassileios Baris was founded in 1998 as a manufacturer of LED and fiber optic lighting products. Company’s headquarter reside is located in Patras. Product’s portfolio of the company is including LED spots (indoor and outdoor), swimming pool and fountain lights; LED lamps; LED light strips; power supplies- led drivers, controllers; cabinet light; LED specials OEM; etc.
Akriphos company was founded in 1970, having as main activity construction of lighting in buildings, commercial premises, hotels and ships. Along with the manufacturing activities and a full range of products, the company represents some of the biggest house and fiber optic lighting producers from around the world. Today Akriphos has a large partner network that extends throughout Greece, and exports to more than 10 countries in Europe, Asia and Africa.
GALLIS S.A was founded in 1987 and nowadays has a leading role in the field of architectural, professional and domestic lighting in Greece, providing a wide variety of technologically advanced products. Since 1993, the company’s offices are placed in the privately owned exhibitional and storage premises of 7.800 m2 in Moschato. In 2004 the company transferred its productive unit to a new privately - owned factory in Schimatari Voitias. Products and component testing processes are established and maintained according to ISO 9001:2008 standards in order to ensure the highest product quality, safety and customer satisfaction. Company is manufacturing a wide range of luminary solutions addressing different professional needs, styles and lighting applications diverse design, technical and lighting requirements for indoor and outdoor applications.
Olympia Electronics
Olympia Electronics was founded in 1979. The headquarters of the company are located in Northern Greece, near Thessaloniki and has a sales branch in Athens. The distribution and sales department covers all regions of Greece. Its annual production and distribution exceeds to 600.000 units. The company is presented in 80 countries worldwide in European Union (55% of our exports), East European countries and Russia, Middle East & Gulf countries, Africa and U.S.A.
The company is a manufacturer of a wide range emergency lighting, including LED emergency luminaries for interior use and emergency indication luminaries with LEDs.
LED lighting in Croatia
Company Aurora Energy d.o.o. was founded in early 2009. It’s specialized in the development and manufacture of equipment for renewable energy use, and conducting intensive energy efficiency projects at all levels, with an emphasis on the lighting.
Croatian manufacturer of LED street light bulbs, located in the town of Cakovec. LED bulbs are produced under the brand name POWER OF LED. Manor’s main export markets are Asia, Australia, Central/South America, Eastern and Western Europe, Mid East and Africa.
LED lighting in Romania
Electromax is a Romanian manufacturer with more than 10 years of experience in lighting products with LEDs. Its range of products includes outdoor products with LEDs, architectural lights with LEDs, obstacle lights or red beacon lights (type A, type A double, type B), projectors with LEDs, indoor lights with LEDs, spots whith LEDs, with DMX and RGB controllers, exit signs, special lights for mines with explosive atmosphere, miner cap lamps and headlamps whit LEDs , etc. Electromax’s products are certified by recognised authorities acording ATEX directive for miner cap lamps, FAA and ICAO for obstruction lights.
At 85 years of its existence, ELBA remains the largest manufacturer of luminaires and lighting systems in Romania, keeping its leader position on domestic lighting market. In ELBA’s structure are included four different profile factories: The C.I.I.C.A.E. Factory, The C.I.A. Factory, The S.D.V. Factory and The Lighting Systems Department. The company exports in the European Union, the Middle East, Moldavia, Serbia, Croatia. The C.I.I.C.A.E. Factory manufactures fluorescent (visible mounting, recessed mounting, suspended mounting), industrial, interior design and outdoor decorative luminaires, floodlights, luminaires for special environments, for environments with danger of explosion, for emergency lighting, traffic lights. The C.I.A. Factory manufactures a wide range of automotive luminaires. The lighting systems developed by SC ELBA SA, associated member of Romanian National Lighting Committee, are based on the recommendations of International Lighting Commission, International Electrotechnical Committee and comply with the ISO 9001 quality standard.
Luxten Lighting
Luxten Lighting Group started its work in 1949, producing incandescent lamps. In 1959 the company began production of fluorescent and mercury solutions. In 2009 Luxten promoted new high-power LED technologies, both for exterior lighting and interior lighting, LED high-power mobile units for producing electricity from photovoltaic power, solar lighting poles with LED technology.
AVOLUX Europe is a LED lighting manufacturer and retailer of power LED light bulbs, outdoor and underwater architectural LED flood lights , LED street light, LED spots and ceiling lights, LED drivers and controllers (single channel or multi channels).
LED lighting in Slovenia
Bbelektronik Slovenia has a wide production portfolio in the field of LED lighting - LED strips, LED ceiling lights for suspended ceilings, hollow walls, or other applications, LED spot-lamps, LED lamps for general lighting, LED bulbs for various lamps with lamp beam angle 360 °, Fluo-LED lamps, LED mounting and hanging panels, LED panels for suspended ceilings, Fluo LED downlights, LED street lamps for public lighting and LED tunnel lamp, etc.
Intra lighting is a leading Slovenian manufacturer of lighting equipment, focused on ensuring proper solutions in the area of illumination of business and public interiors. Intra lighting was founded 20 years ago in Slovenia. By choosing an ambitious strategy, own product development and original design the company succeeded to grow fast and to become an important player in the lighting industry. Intra lighting luminaires can be found in more than 40 countries around the globe.
LED lighting in Turkey
Bahar Aydinlatma is one of the largest lightining producers in Turkey. Bahar Aydinlatma has started production in 1986 and is still on duty with a showroom settled on 5.800m2 closed area, production center and its high qualified specialist staff. Its expertise is especially in producing lightening solutions. The largest privilage of the company is the capability of individually production.
Avolux Lighting - Murat Lighting is a Turkish manufacturer of LED wallwashers, LED tracklight systems, metal downlight spots, LED pendants, LED wall apliques, etc.
Carisa LED Aydinlatma is a member of Termosan Group of Companies, which was established in 1973, Istanbul and has been operating in different industries, such as heating, lighting and food. It has 7.000 sqm indoors manufacturing plant and 130 employees. Carisa LED lighting produces high-tech and decorative LED Lighting solutions with CREE LEDs - power LED swimming pool lights, power LED indoors and outdoors lighting solutions, power LED industrial lighting fixture and power LED lighting systems accessories.
EEC ELECTRONICS is a major Turkish manufacturer and exporter of professional control equipment for emergency lighting, LED Lighting, fire and security control systems markets, with over 25 years of manufacturing experience in these sectors. In addition to its own branded product range EEC ELECTRONICS supplies OEM and ODM products to major manufacturers and distributors worldwide.
The company is located in Istanbul, where operates with over 50 staff in a 3000 sqm manufacturing plant equipped with advanced technology machinery. As a leading manufacturing company EEC ELECTRONICS is focused on the environmental aspects, process innovative solutions with friendly environmental materials (RoHS) and improves its performance to conform with the rules and regulations.
ALKALED Lighting Systems
The company Alkaled was established in 2004. It is located in Turkey, Konya. Its main activity is manufacture of decorative and energy efficient LED lighting systems. Alkaled’s product portfolio includes spots, floodlights, bulbs, LED tubes, wall washers, underwater LED lighting, LED flexible strips, decorative LED furniture, accessories, power supplies, decorative wall equipment and etc. It also designs and produces signboards, realizes LED light projects.
ACG Electronics is a provider of innovative LED Lighting products and services for the private, municipal and governmental sectors. The company was established in 2005 at Ankara, Turkey. In 2009 ACG Electronics chose to diversify in the field of Industrial Wide Area Lighting.
ACG Electronics exports its products to 34 countries (Germany, Austria, England, The Netherlands, USA, France, Italy, Finland, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Luxemburg, Canada, Japan, Russia, Switzerland, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Lithuania, Estonia, Iran, Poland, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Hong Kong, China, United Arap Emirates ve Senegal).
Hera LED Lighting is a manufacturer of LED lighting, LED light bulbs, Led Drivers , Power LEDs, Led Srtips, wall washers, underwater luminaires, surface mounted luminaires, recessed luminaires, underground luminaires, outdoor luminaires, street lamps, decorative luminaires, power supply, control equipment, OEM LED Modules.
Founded in 2008 in Ankara with main activity LED systems research, product design and maintenance. Ledard is producing power LEDs, wallwashers, LED strips, LEd lamps, decorative products, solar street lighting, park and garden lighting, pool lighting, interior lighting, in-store showcase lighting, traffic signal systems, etc.
Oveo Technologies is a Turkish manufacturer and exporter of LED lighting, outdoor LED video displays, OLED devices, OLED-based advertisement and lighting, computer and electronic components, computer software, energy efficient lighting, LED panels and messaging systems for corporations and the advertisement and entertainment industries.
Text and picture source: web-sites of the listed companies.