Launch of bidding for construction of 60 small hydro-power plants
• Industry • South-East European INDUSTRIAL Мarket - issue 1/2007

Macedonian government announced a public tender for water concessions for 60 small hydro-power plants for electricity generation with installed capacity of up to 5 MW, Skopje - based independent news agency Makfax annouced at 14th of February.
The public tender, announced today by the Ministry of Economy, specifies that water concession would be provided for electricity generation according to the DBOT model (Design, Build, Operate and Transfer), at the confluences of Vardar River, Strumica River and Crn Drim River.
The domestic and foreign companies and individuals that will pick up tender documents and meet the requirements will be considered eligible bidders.
The tender documents will provide, among other data, site specific information about the exact location, hydrological conditions, and possibilities to feed the produced electricity into the public distribution grid, as well as site access and land ownership. Sites will be tendered separately.
The deadline for pick-up of tender documents will expire on 16 March 2007. Bids are to be submitted not later than 14 June 2007.
The unsealing of bids will take place on 15 June 2007. The water concession will be granted for a period of 20 years, in accordance the law on waters.
The bidders could submit offers for one or more locations for small hydro-power plants, but no more than one offer per location.
A several public tenders will be launched soon given the government’s announcement on planned construction of 400 other small hydro-power plants.