KT achieves important milestones in Lukoil’s Burgas Refinery
• Energy • Projects • South-East European INDUSTRIAL Мarket - issue 2/2015

On December 18th 2014 started-up the first of the two Claus Trains of Burgas Refinery, while on January 15 the second Claus Train and the Tail Gas Treatment Section were successfully lined up.
LUKOIL Neftohim Burgas AD - Bulgarian subsidiary of the Lukoil Group, one the largest privately owned Oil & Gas company worldwide - awarded in 2012 to KT-Kinetics Technology a new Sulphur Recovery Complex to be realized in Burgas Refinery, Bulgaria.
The project, awarded on a Lump Sum Turn Key (LSTK) basis, included:
• Two identical Claus Train of 150 t/d capacity each, in terms of produced liquid sulphur;
• One common Tail Gas Treatment Section (TGT) capable to treat the combined tail gases coming from the two Claus Trains
• 3 lines of Sulphur Solidification and 1 solid Sulphur Storage Section of 10.000 tons capacity
The units are being run in stable condition, at a current operating capacity which is approximately 50% of the design capacity of each Claus Train.
The next contractual step, linked to the obtainment of the Provisional Acceptance by the Client, envisages the formal demonstration of the Unit Performances through a dedicated Test Run, to be scheduled soon in accordance to the Contractual conditions.
The achievement of these fundamental milestones strengthens the prominent position of KT in the global market of Sulphur Recovery technology. Further, it confirms KT’s capabilities to successfully perform as Main Contractor for demanding and reputable Clients like Lukoil Neftohim Burgas, the biggest company on the Balkan Peninsula in terms of crude oil processing capacities and a strategic player for the whole region.
Keywords: Burgas Refinery, Claus Trains, Tail Gas Treatment Section, LUKOIL Neftohim Burgas, Lukoil Group, KT-Kinetics Technology, Sulphur Recovery