ITT Lowara contributes to the rebirth of Molino Stucky
• News • South-East European INDUSTRIAL Мarket - issue 3/2009

The Molino Stucky is one of the symbols of Venice and during restoration work it was converted from an imposing industrial building to one of the most luxurious hotels in the Hilton chain. The complex, including a residential zone and an enormous congress centre which can hold up to 2,000 people, covers an area of 7,500 m2. ITT Lowara participated in the project, commissioned by Save Engineering, a company belonging to the SAVE group which won the reconstruction tender, by supplying over one hundred pumps and pumping systems.
The heart of the heating system features a set of "In-line" centrifugal pumps complete with Hydrovar® frequency converter model FCSH4 150-250/150 - FCS4H 125-200/55; these distribute water to 8 heating subsystems specific to the various buildings in the complex. Each subsystem features a series of multi-speed circulators which independently satisfy the demand of each single building. Using advanced quality systems, ITT Lowara, in close collaboration with the technical department of Save Engineering, offered leading-edge solutions and technologies, product quality and a professional service for the realisation of the complex, whilst constantly keeping an eye on price. Thanks to the precious contribution of Lowara products, the new Molino Stucky hotel complex has come back to life, enfolded in a luxurious and elegant atmosphere.