issue 3, August 2024

full cover

The factory will concentrate on the production of larger rim size passenger and SUV tyres that will be primarily sold in the Central European market ... more

The investment will cover a new air separation unit (ASU) in Bulgaria and the modernization of four existing units in Germany. ... more

Nine out of ten automobiles in Europe contain parts that were manufactured in Bulgaria. 80% of all the sensors in European cars were also produced in the country. The automotive ... more

The combination of a growing economy, a large domestic market, advanced infrastructure, a skilled and competitive workforce, and investor-friendly legislation ensure that manufacturers in Turkiye’s chemicals sector stand to reap ... more

Croatia has no significant fossil fuels reserves. For example, the share of oil reserves in Croatia relative to the world`s reserves is 0,004%, and natural gas 0,0124%. In terms of ... more

The factory’s production will primarily be exported to key European markets, including Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, and Austria ... more

The upgrades will also enhance energy efficiency and reduce losses in the distribution grid, saving about 31 800 tonnes a year of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions ... more

The proceeds from the issuance will be used to refinance the company’s existing Eurobond due in 2025 and for general corporate purposes, enabling Ulker to meet its green targets of ... more

It will have more than 300 000 photovoltaic modules that will produce 320 GWh, enough to meet the energy needs of 69 000 households, which will reduce CO2 emissions by ... more
LATEST issue 4/2024
The CEO and Member of the Board of Directors of Automotive Cluster Bulgaria looks back to this year`s edition of ACB`s largest event and discusses the future of the sector ... more
AVERE, Raphaеl Hеliot: Smart charging is poised to increase tremendously in the coming years
"While the EU has laid the groundwork for advanced EV charging technologies and V2X capabilities, continued collaboration among stakeholders and further regulatory adjustments, supported by initiatives like SCALE and FLOW, ... more
This year’s Motek/Bondexpo industry platform promises exciting supporting programme
New to the programme this autumn is a lecture forum by Pelemedia with the title "No fear of AI – Tap into potential, remain competitive" ... more
Sixth edition of Metal Expo to gather the Eurasian steel industry in Istanbul
Last year’s edition of Metal Expo attracted over 14 400 visitors, 1523 of which came from foreign countries – Iran, Germany, South Korea, India, China, Italy, etc. ... more
The rapid advancements in robotics and artificial intelligence and the ever wider adoption of those technologies in SMEs brings a multitude of benefits for the economical development of the countries ... more