Himoinsa and All Generating open a new logistics warehouse in Bucharest
• Energy • News • South-East European INDUSTRIAL Мarket - issue 4/2017

Power generators and lighting towers manufacturer Himoinsa together with its distributor in Romania, All Generating, has officially opened a new logistics warehouse in Ilfov, Bucharest.
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The facility allows to serve markets like Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Moldova, Romania, Serbia and Slovakia.
The building occupies 1500 sq. m and has a large generator storage area, which will help cut delivery times and offer a fast local service and spare parts distribution point.
"The facility will offer lighting towers and generators with a wide power range, primarily 20 to 500kVA, as these models are the most popular in this region," stated EMEA Region Direcor of Himoinsa Guilermo Elum at the official opening ceremony.
Himinosa has been present on the Romanian market since 2010. It has worked on the supply of a set of transformators for Transgaz, the national company responsibe for gas transportation, which include emergency power to the control centres in the handling stations.