Heat sink cases by Fischer Elektronik

NewsSouth-East European INDUSTRIAL Мarket - issue 3/2006

Extracting the heat from electronic components which are mounted on PCBs and then pushed into cases or which have to be firmly installed is often rather difficult due to the fact that appropriate cases are not available. Fischer Elektronik have developed various lines of cases, which ensure efficient heat extraction and functional handling combined with visually appealing design. There are many types of these small cases, which are made from aluminium. They have differently designed cooling fins or heat sinks for efficient dissipation of heat, internal fittings for PCBs in the Euro format, etc. The cases are available for installation on “top hat” rails to DIN, on walls or on mounting plates and also as standalone versions. In addition to the standard range, surface treatment and coatings, black and natural anodising, prints and mechanical processing as well as special designs are provided.
