Car lights maker Odelo Slovenija with a new production facility
• Lighting • News • South-East European INDUSTRIAL Мarket - issue 4/2016

The new production facility of car lights maker Odelo Slovenia, a subsidiary of the German-based company for car lights Odelo and part of the Turkish group Bayraktarlar Holding, is about to boost the economics of Slovenian region Prebold and the country as a whole.
Around EUR 23 million will be utilized for future investments by the company. Senior Odelo representative Ahmet Bayraktar pointed out that the group has invested more than EUR 83 million in Slovenia since 2011 when Bayraktarlar Holding acquired Odelo. The company recorded double sales revenue amounting to 130 million euro and plans a further increase to 200 million euro in the coming three years.
It is expected that the workforce of Baykatar will expand to over 1300, Ahmet Bayraktar has announced. Baykatar expressed appreciation of the support that the Slovenian government had given to the investment projects and praised the good collaboration between the company and the Slovenian team.
Odelo Slovenia employs over 900 people in the Prebold area and has a newly constructed production hall in the NE region of Pomurje. The investment for the latter amounts to EUR 1,2 million.