Search results for: tyres
Search results for tyres Found in editorial content: 12
The factory will concentrate on the production of larger rim size passenger and SUV tyres that will be primarily sold in the Central European market |
The factory will concentrate on the production of larger rim size passenger and SUV tires that will be primarily sold in the Central European market |
The Turkish plastic and rubber processing machinery sector is dynamically developing industry which accounts for a relatively large share of the country`s export business. It is among the areas where Turkey is strongly competitive more |
A recent survey examines several SEE countries as attractive markets for automotive investments and growing in popularity manufacturing hubs. Among them are Romania, Slovenia, Serbia, North Macedonia and Bulgaria |
Search results for tyres Found in advertising publications: 1
ËÎÃÀ ÍÀ ÑÚÁÈÒÈßÒÀ The South-East European Forum will present the latest green technologies 28-30 March 2012, Sofia, Bulgaria The ‘green wave‘ will not pass South-East Europe. The energy ... more |
LATEST issue 3/2024
AVERE, Raphaеl Hеliot: Smart charging is poised to increase tremendously in the coming years