Search results for: odelo
Search results for odelo Found in editorial content: 5
Nine out of ten automobiles in Europe contain parts that were manufactured in Bulgaria. 80% of all the sensors in European cars were also produced in the country. The automotive parts manufacturing is one of the fastest developing sectors in Bulgaria today, growing with around 8% per annum. There are more than 270 companies in the industry, many of which producing components for global automotive brands |
With several leading players in areas like electric motors and mechatronics, the Slovenian automotive industry can provide sophisticated components and unique solutions like high-torque in-wheel electric drive systems and AI based real traffic simulation solutions |
"So far, we have invested 20 million euro in our newly opened plant in Trakia Economic Zone (TEZ) near Plovdiv. The facility is located on 23 000 sq. m. By 2023, we aim to double our investment, to increase our sales to 60 million euro and to triple our staff", said |
Lighting components and systems production is a traditional industrial sector in Bulgaria which dates back to the 1940s. Today Bulgarian manufacturers of lighting products and systems successfully keep up with European and global market trends offering technologically advanced and high-quality products. |
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LATEST issue 3/2024
AVERE, Raphaеl Hеliot: Smart charging is poised to increase tremendously in the coming years