Search results for: metal casting
Search results for metal casting Found in editorial content: 6
The rapid advancements in robotics and artificial intelligence and the ever wider adoption of those technologies in SMEs brings a multitude of benefits for the economical development of the countries in Southeast Europe (SEE). Although, the share of companies, using robots, stays relatively low, compared to the more developed regions of Europe and the world. |
The machine tools market in Romania is a dynamically developing sector which constitutes an important pillar of the country`s economy. The industrial manufacturing sector consists mainly of: automotive OEM and components; heavy machinery and machine tools |
This sector plays an important role in the development of Turkey’s manufacturing industry mostly thanks to its capability to provide intermediate goods and inputs to other key sectors such as construction, energy, textiles, agriculture, and mining. |
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LATEST issue 3/2024
AVERE, Raphaеl Hеliot: Smart charging is poised to increase tremendously in the coming years