Search results for: decarbonisation
Search results for decarbonisation Found in editorial content: 16
Strategies for the deployment of specific technologies, such as hydrogen or CCS, can further support R&D, funding, and infrastructure for deploying these capital-intensive solutions |
The trade fair will promote energy efficient equipment, solutions for automation and digitization of production processes, in the context of the energy transition, advanced less invasive processing technologies, renewable energy and energy storage systems, and sustainable materials with low impact on the environment |
The Western Balkan governments bear the primary responsibility for speeding up the deployment of sustainable energy, improving energy efficiency, phasing out fossil fuels and ensuring an inclusive, bottom-up just transition planning process |
To ensure that charging systems grow in tandem with vehicle sales, the Turkish government must coordinate the deployment of public and private charging infrastructure to support all kinds of EV operators—from private vehicles to fleets of all types of vehicles, including public sector purchases at all levels of government |
Despite having an installed hydropower capacity of more than 22 GW, the region still has the largest remaining unexploited hydropower potential in Europe, as its river catchments have remained largely undeveloped |
The proceeds from the EBRD’s participation will finance energy efficiency improvement capex at SIJ’s production sites in Jesenice and Ravne na Koroškem, contributing to the company’s decarbonisation efforts and meeting the criteria for "substantial contribution" towards climate change mitigation under the EU Taxonomy |
The Bank’s partnership with Dimand, which centres on brownfield redevelopment projects and deep refurbishments, can play a major role in fostering the market’s low-carbon, climate-resilient transition. |
The project completes the 400 kV electricity ring between Albania, North Macedonia and Greece, enhancing cross-border exchanges in electricity and contributing to the development of the regional market |
Organizer Italian Exhibition Group assures that visiting Rimini Exhibition Centre will be extremely safe – all those attending the events will be required to present a Green Pass, have their temperature checked and wear a face mask |
Plans are to shut down all lignite-fuelled power plants in Greece by 2025 and interconnect the majority of Greece`s islands to the mainland grid. This will allow for phasing out the polluting autonomous diesel-powered generation units. All these measures are directed towards decarbonising energy production, upscaling energy efficiency and enlarging the share of renewable energy sources |
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LATEST issue 3/2024
AVERE, Raphaеl Hеliot: Smart charging is poised to increase tremendously in the coming years