Search results for: copper production
Search results for copper production Found in editorial content: 5
The investment will cover a new air separation unit (ASU) in Bulgaria and the modernization of four existing units in Germany. |
This represents an investment in the multimetal producer’s core business and another step towards decarbonizing production, both elements of the company strategy |
Rich in natural resources, Albania is a part of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) in order to modernise and promote good governance of the extractive industries |
The Serbian metal industry has a long tradition and is still currently one of the most important sectors of country’s economy. Nearly 5000 business companies are active in the Serbian metal processing sector. The metal processing sector of Bosnia and Herzegovina, along with base metal production, has traditionally been the country’s strongest and most successful industry and export sector. |
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LATEST issue 3/2024
AVERE, Raphaеl Hеliot: Smart charging is poised to increase tremendously in the coming years