Search results for: European Investment Bank
Search results for European Investment Bank Found in editorial content: 20
Aligned with national strategies for renewable energy, the plant includes up to 18 wind turbines and their connection to the national energy grid and is expected to produce 115 GWh/year of electricity |
Industry 4.0, defined as smart manufacturing and supported by the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), is affecting entire global production, including Serbian industry. The fourth industrial revolution is relatively slowly (and with a serious delay compared to the most high-tech economies in Europe and the world) but steadily developing in the country according to local and international experts |
The funds will address the liquidity and investment needs of local businesses, and finance energy and green transition projects |
EBRD’s Green Cities Programme initiative supports cities in identifying and planning priority projects that can help them become greener and more sustainable |
The EBRD is providing a loan of 58 million euro to finance the first large-scale wastewater treatment plant for Skopje. The financing will be complemented by 78 million euro package from the European Investment Bank (EIB) |
This will contribute to the diversification of energy supply in Bulgaria and South-Eastern Europe. It is part of a wider plan to better connect energy markets among neighbouring countries including Romania and Hungary |
The platform Balkan Green Energy News, supported by the Center for Promotion of Sustainable Development in the Balkan region, recently announced that Croatia is currently retrofitting public lighting in 32 municipalities under a large scale project called Newlight. |
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)’s board of directors has approved a loan of up to 500 million Euros for the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) gas project at a meeting in London. |
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LATEST issue 3/2024
AVERE, Raphaеl Hеliot: Smart charging is poised to increase tremendously in the coming years